ASE C1 Test Prep - Customer Interview & Write Up (VIDEO)

ASE C1 Test Prep – Customer Interview & Write Up (VIDEO)

The customer interview sets the stage for success or failure. This video is sponsored by The Group Training Academy.

Welcome back to our ASE C1 test preparation. We have been talking previously about communicating with the customer and the aspects of handling the knowledge transfer with them. Today we are digging into the most important communication time you will spend with your customer.

The customer interview or write-up sets the stage for success or failure for the visit.

Please keep in mind the previous steps we have covered. They set this part of the communications process. Once they are complete you are ready to start on the actual repair write-up.

What are the customers concerns?

Listen very carefully here and be sure to document what they are worried about.

Next ask and clarify the symptoms of the vehicle. Noise, have them attempt to describe it. Specific behavior of an accessory or operation of the vehicle. When does it occur? Is it constant or intermittent? Can it be duplicated.

What are the conditions when it happens? Is it hot, cold, raining etc.

These specifics go along way in helping the technician diagnose and repair the concern.

If it is a particularly difficult condition to describe, maybe a test drive with the customer in in-order to specifically identify the condition.

We will talk in a later episode about selling maintenance but be sure during the interview to document the maintenance interval discussions and get their signature if they are declining a particular required service.

Lastly and very importantly, when do they need the vehicle completed?

This can make or break a service visit. Get the expectations in place for the projected time of repair. There should be no surprises here if the expectations are set properly.

There is nothing worse than a customer showing up unexpectedly thinking their vehicle is completed.

That is about all for today. Join us next episode when we will be looking at getting all the vehicle data. Thanks for joining us.

This video is sponsored by The Group Training Academy.

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