2017 Editions Archives - Page 7 of 10 - UnderhoodService
Human Resources: Putting It All On The Table

Hiring, firing and quitting are unavoidable events in the automotive repair industry. Everybody hates to deal with these aspects of the business because it can be risky on both sides of the table – not just monetarily, but emotionally, as well.

human resources
Being A True Professional

In the automotive repair profession, ASE certifications, manufacturer certifications and years of service are just some of the ways to distinguish one as a pro vs. a parts-swapping technician. I try to approach each and every job as a professional. This includes detailing my ­repair work and striving to make each repair as neat and orderly as possible.

true professional
Motor Mount Replacement Tips

Back in the old days, spotting a failed motor mount was easy. The cooling fan hit the radiator shroud and the engine would move side-to-side as the engine was loaded. Today, it takes a little more time to spot a worn motor mount. Why? Because a modern motor mount might do more than just hold the engine in place.

motor mount featured
Oil And Direct Fuel Injection

The oil in the crankcase of a direct fuel injected engine can make a huge difference in the health of the engine. The right oil can reduce carbon deposits on the intake valves and keep the engine healthy.

direct fuel injection oil featured
GMC Blower History

Everybody loves a supercharger poking through the hood of a hot rod. But, these blowers originally made by GMC were used on diesel engines. These units were placed on the exhaust side of a two-stroke diesel engine to create a scavaging effect.

gmc blower history
Oil And Filter Service Guidelines

By some, oil filters are regarded as low-tech items that are all virtually the same. It may come as a surprise that nothing could be further from the truth. Today’s oil filter, whether it is a spin-on or cartridge type, possesses components which are specifically designed and engineered for individual applications. Today’s filter also offers significantly improved overall performance when compared to products made just a few years ago.

oil service guidelines
Subaru Forester Active Valve Lift System

Many thought the 2007 Subaru Forester had variable valve timing, even though it does not. Others were not aware of the ALVS that Subaru brought out in 2006. With that in mind, I’d like to share some insights into this very clever engine management strategy.

sohc engine subaru forester featured
Timing Chains In Hyundai Engines

Although Hyundai uses a single timing belt on its 2.7L V6 engines, its 3.3L, double-overhead camshaft engine is equipped with one timing chain for each camshaft and one drive chain for the oil pump. At first glance, a timing chain design allows engineers to shorten the overall length of the engine and reduce rotating friction.

timing chain hyundai featured
Intake Manifold Failures On Modern Mercedes-Benz Models

Many owners of late-model Mercedes-Benz cars equipped with 3.0L and 3.5L V6 engines (M272 or M273) have experienced performance problems that include poor idle, loss of power and a check engine light with a P2006 code (or sometimes other codes).

intake manifold failure featured
Misfires In The Crankshaft And Camshaft

Any time you’re dealing with a combustion engine, there’s a chance it will develop a misfire. A better understanding of how computer systems analyze a misfire can make your job that much easier as the service tech.

Alternator Failures: Low Voltage To The Battery

One reason why alternators have a high failure rate is ­because they’re always working under a load. Generating electricity to recharge the battery, run the fuel pump, injectors and ignition system while powering all of the vehicle’s lights and electrical ­accessories places a substantial load on the alternator that generates a lot of internal heat.

voltage drop check
Ultimate Underhood: Heated Air Intake

The heated air intake was used on many 1970s vehicles to reduce startup emissions on carbureted engines. The systems typically used a thermostat that would open a vacuum switch. The vacuum would act on a diaphragm of a vacuum pot that would pull shut a door to divert the intake air.

heated air intake buick featured