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Diagnostic Dilemmas

It’s Mechanical, Stupid! Just about every student of politics remembers President Bill Clinton’s famous campaign slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid!” Allow me to paraphrase by saying, “It’s mechanical, stupid!” Yes, that’s right, mechanical failures can cause diagnostic trouble codes and, all too often, we tread the Primrose Path because we become lost in a maze

Business Tools: Computers… Why You Can’t Do Business Today Without Them

It’s hard to imagine any automotive repair shop doing business today without the benefit of multiple computers. Yet some shops continue to do business and fix cars the “old fashioned way” with no computers whatsoever. I can’t help but wonder how much longer some of these shops will stay in business. The computer has become

Are You the Ultimate Tradesman? IRWIN Industrial Tools and NASCAR Driver Jamie McMurray Want to Know How You Measure Up

NASCAR NEXTEL Cup driver Jamie McMurray is joining forces with IRWIN Industrial Tools to conduct a nationwide search for America’s top tradesman. The IRWIN Ultimate Tradesman Challenge will launch in Texas on April 11 and follow the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series schedule into 14 racing markets throughout the United States, in addition to multiple non-racing markets around the country.

Management: Who Will Fix the Cars in Five Years?

Recently, I was asked to address members of the Chesapeake Automotive Business Association (CABA) on the topic, "Who will fix the cars in five years?" The challenge was to put together a 60-minute presentation that would answer the question and not offend the audience of shop owners and technicians.

Tech Tip: Chrysler Engine Mount Noise

I know the majority of you auto techs are extremely proficient at finding and repairing sources of strange and unusual noises. Although chasing these audible emissions can be time consuming and without a doubt aggravating, the customer’s concerns are usually valid and can often be of monumental importance to them.

Perspectives: Who Will Fix the Cars in 5 Years?

Recently, I was asked to address members of the Chesapeake Automotive Business Association (CABA) on the topic, “Who will fix the cars in five years?” The challenge was to put together a 60-minute presentation that would answer the question and not offend the audience of shop owners and technicians. Skip Potter, the executive director of

News Update: Denso…Continually Improving

A global supplier of automotive technology, systems and components, Denso truly embraces what it means to be global by bringing the Japanese culture to its North American plants and vice versa. As the second largest automotive supplier in the world, operating in 32 countries, Denso lives by the concept of the Japanese term for continuous

Jaguar Tech Tip: Engine Noise? Don’t Worry About It

Rattling, knocking, thumping and squealing sounds are fine, as long as they’re coming from a haunted English castle. But nobody likes to hear any of those noises coming from under their "bonnet." With more foreign manufacturers building power plants using tighter tolerances, hydraulic valve lash adjusters and serpentine belts, noisy engines are becoming a thing of the past – or are they?

Tech Tip: Voyager Basics – Loss of Speed Control

A simple malfunctioning vacuum valve on some 1996 to 2000 Plymouth Voyagers can result in a loss of more than 5 mph while climbing a grade with the speed control engaged. The actual cause of the problem could be a leaking check valve in the battery tray/vacuum reservoir assembly.

ASA Announces KEYS Education Events for 2007

The Automotive Service Association (ASA) has announced the dates and locations of four Keep Educating Yourself and Staff (KEYS) events for the first half of 2007. KEYS is ASA’s newest education and training initiative for shop owners and their staff.