parts Archives - UnderhoodService
Hunter Now Offering Consumable Parts Ordering

More than 150 genuine Hunter user-replaceable parts are conveniently available online at the Shop Hunter Marketplace.

Customer-Supplied Parts Should Be Nobody’s Business

Installing parts customers bring in? Consider the reasons why you shouldn’t beforehand.

Should You Install Customer-Supplied Parts?

Sometimes customers want to believe you’re just out to get them, but there are legitimate reasons behind refusing.

Advisors Need Product Knowledge, Too (ASE C1 Test Prep Video

Do you know your vehicle parts? This video is presented by The Group Training Academy.

Choose The Right Part The First Time (VIDEO)

Saving money on parts comes at a cost. This video is sponsored by The Group Training Academy.

How Supply Chain Challenges Built Stronger Relationships

COVID has been challenging for everyone, but also presents opportunities to improve business partnerships.

Shopping For Car Parts Has Changed Forever

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of a hybrid shopping model.

Mega Online Parts Providers Seek To Negate The Human Factor Upon Which Our Business Was Built

Relationships are what make this industry what it is today. For decades, the parts industry was virtually unchanged in how the repair shop and the parts supplier relationship functioned. That is, until the late ’80s when computers became an integral part of many repair shops, making parts ordering simpler with less interaction between the parts store employee and the repairer.

Are You Ready For Amazon?

There are questions about Amazon’s ability to enter the auto care space, namely centered around same-day parts delivery and their ability to cut down on current lag times. While Amazon might not have vehicle repair figured out quite yet, one bet is for sure: If Amazon is able to make vehicle repairs easier and more convenient, the industry will find a place for them.

Directions: Parts Cabinet Potential

When I was a small child, I spent weekends at my grandfather’s Chevron station in Denver. I remember the row of brightly colored cabinets and special displays he had for parts. There were cabinets for light bulbs, brake pads, bearings and many more parts that I have since forgotten. Typically, these cabinets were given to

Parts cabinet